Data for Good Partnership

Data for Good partnership saw their volunteers undertake
analysis of the NS Quality of Life Survey results for two non-profits.

Avenues to Analyze the Survey Results

Since we released the 2019 NS Quality of Life Survey summary results, we have been working on ways to translate them and get them into as many hands as possible.

One of the ways we do that at Engage Nova Scotia is to offer the opportunity to organizations, businesses, and government departments to request analysis of the survey results on a cost-recovery basis. Other ways are through the wellbeing mapping tool and data-sharing agreements (including one with Data for Good).

Data for Good reached out to us after we released the survey results to explore what a partnership to offer free analysis to non-profits could look like.  

Who is Data for Good?

Data for Good is a national non-profit with a recently established Maritimes chapter. They describe themselves as “a collective of do-gooders” who empower communities through data. They support non-profit organizations to make data-informed decisions that strengthen what they do, and they offer their services for free.

Data for Good does good with survey results

In partnership with the local Data for Good chapter, we issued a call for analysis requests to support non-profits’ or community groups’ data needs. The two selected from submissions were St. Margaret’s Bay Community Enterprise Centre and the Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission.

Data for Good volunteers undertook analysis of NS Quality of Life Survey results in collaboration with the selected non-profits and Engage data analysts. Project outputs included brief reports and presentations to share their findings.

Here’s what the SMBCEC and DDBC said about their experience:   

“Data for Good provided us with a very insightful analysis regarding the Quality of Life data for our community. We are now able to compare St. Margaret's Bay with HRM and the province as a whole and make informed decisions on our programming based on that comparison.”

-       Chris Pelham, President, St. Margaret's Bay Community Enterprise Centre 

“The insights provided by Data for Good/Engage NS will help us achieve Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission’s mission to promote the vibrancy of downtown Dartmouth and foster spaces where people want to be.” 

-       Tim Rissesco, Chief Executive Officer, Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission

How to Ask for Analysis of Survey Results

To ask us for analysis of the NS Quality of Life Survey results, submit the request form on our website. Our Research Coordinator and Data Analyst, Taylor Hill, will be in touch.

If you’d like to learn more about Data for Good’s services, read about how the process works and reach out to volunteer or become a client.